The percentages of airway obstruction due to mucus plugs were notably higher in the fourth- and fifth-generation bronchi (17.9%/18.1% in stable phase and 43.2%/45.9% in the exacerbation phase, respectively) than in the other generations of bronchi. Using a curved multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) software, we reconstructed the longitudinal airway images and the images exactly perpendicular to the airway axis to measure the Din and mucus plugs from the second- (segmental) to sixth-generation bronchi in all segments of the lungs.The ratios of Din (exacerbation/stable) were 0.91( P = 0.016), 0.88 ( P = 0.002), 0.83 ( P = 0.001), 0.80 ( P = 0.001), and 0.87 (NS) in the second-, third-, fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-generation bronchi, respectively. The HRCT study was performed on patients who could safely hold their breath for a short while in a supine position 1 hour after initial treatment for asthma exacerbation.
Thirteen patients with asthma were studied by HRCT during asthma exacerbation and in a stable period.